BFST® Wraps stimulate blood flow to repair injured tissue and promote fast healing. The BFST® Wrap is designed to treat soft tissue injuries and chronic conditions. It is also ideal for post-surgery recovery.
The BFST® Wrap should not be used in the first 48 hours following a fresh trauma or substantial re-injury to the area, as there will likely be inflammation.
Everyone should start their treatments on Level 1 and work their way through the levels gradually as they heal. Proceeding immediately to Level 2 or 3 will not speed up your healing time. You need to condition the body first.
During your first treatments on Level 1, the treatment area may feel quite warm (your circulation is poor). The more treatments you do, the less warming sensation you will feel. This is good. As the warmth lessens from treatment to treatment, this means your circulation is improving. Better circulation means improved blood flow all the time, not just during treatments. When you feel very little warmth during a treatment, it is time to move up to the next power level. Moving through the levels is not a race. You are supposed to move through the levels slowly. Before moving up to the next level, make sure you can feel almost no warmth on the previous level. Most people never get to Level 3. Moving up in levels too quickly actually works against you, because it's less effective.
The BFST® device should not be hot when used properly. While it will get warm, you do not want it hot. Think 'Healing Pad', rather than 'Heating Pad'. If it does feel hot, use the Wrap on a lower level. Less is more when it comes to heat and BFST® treatments. Less heat means a more effective treatment. This is because too much surface heat causes blood to pool at the skin which forms a barrier to deep penetration, making it harder for your soft tissues to receive the benefits of the BFST® device. The more subtle the warmth, the more effective the treatment will be.
For optimal results, do 3-4 full (20 minute) BFST® treatments per day. Since the effects of each 20 minute treatment last for up to 4 hours afterwards, it's best to spread your treatments out over the course of your day.
An ideal treatment regimen would be one treatment first thing in the morning, another treatment in the afternoon, a treatment in the evening, and the last treatment of the day right before you go to bed.
If you only have time to do 2 BFST® treatments per day, this is sufficient but not ideal. Do one treatment first thing in the morning and another treatment before bed.
The BFST® Wrap should be worn loosely during treatment. You should be able to fit two fingers between the wrap and your skin.
There is a huge benefit to continuing BFST® treatments for months and even years after the pain is gone. The healing process takes much longer than most people realize. Even once the pain is gone, your injury may only be 20% - 30% healed. (You can click here for the full story). The key thing to remember is that long after the pain stops, your injury is still healing. That's why you need to keep doing regular BFST® treatments. Continuing to do BFST® treatments for 6 months, 1 year, or even 2 years after you've been injured is very important when it comes to preventing re-injury. Do a BFST® treatment prior to any physical activity you do. This will act as a "warm-up" for your circulatory system and help you avoid re-injury.
There is a possibility that during or following BFST® treatments the pain of the injury can increase. This is typically an indication that the area has recently been re-injured. These symptoms can be treated with ColdCure® treatments. But most importantly, you need to be aware that something leading up to your treatment caused your situation to get worse - the BFST® is just making it more noticable, BFST® is not causing the underlying problem. Pain is unpleasant but it is also your body's way of letting you know something is wrong. It is important that you figure out what is aggravating the injury and try to eliminate the underlying cause. Discontinue BFST® treatments until you stop the reinjury process. When you are ready to use BFST®, the treatments will not make the symptoms worse.
ColdCure® Wraps are designed to reduce pain and inflammation by preventing blood and fluid from building up in the area of injury. It's important that the ColdCure® Wrap be used as soon as possible following a soft tissue injury. It can also be used any time after to alleviate pain and swelling associated with mature or returning injuries.
The ColdCure® Wrap can be worn without the XC Gel® pack to provide support for your injury while reducing swelling.
Note: Ideally, the injured area should be at rest during treatment.
ColdCure® Wraps come with 3 XC RigiGel® packs. The XC Gel® packs will take 2-6 hours to fully charge, depending on how cold your freezer is. Most people store their gel packs in the freezer at all times so they're ready to use when needed. Insert the XC Gel® pack inside the wrap; apply the wrap to the injured area, do a 20 minute cold treatment, then remove the gel pack from the wrap and put it back in the freezer to recharge. If required, complete another 20 minute treatment with your next gel pack, without waiting in between. Our XC Gel® packs are designed with safety in mind, so you can get the effective power of Cold Therapy without the hassle.
If you find the gel packs too stiff to put on when you remove them from the freezer, this is normal. It's a safety feature that we've designed into the gel packs to stop you from using them when they're too cold. Simply let the gel pack sit out for several minutes before inserting it inside the wrap. When the pack is soft enough to bend, it's ready to use for treatment.
When people have severe inflammation, the cold may be less noticeable to them because of the pain they're in. This does not mean that more cold than recommended above should be applied. Trust us, the ColdCure® is doing its job. If you think the gel doesn't feel cold enough, try charging it in the freezer overnight. You can keep the gel packs stored in the freezer permanently, whenever they're not in use.
ColdCure® treatments should be used immediately following fresh trauma to reduce swelling and inflammation. ColdCure® is designed to relieve pain and inflammation associated with soft tissue injuries. Reducing swelling and inflammation is the first step to healing.
Individuals suffering from mature injuries may further irritate the injured area through overuse, which may be followed by an increase in pain and inflammation. Using ColdCure® after physical activity will help minimize inflammation caused by overuse or strain. In cases of re-injury, use ColdCure® as often as necessary to reduce pain and inflammation.
Combination Therapy means combining ColdCure® and BFST® by alternating treatments, as well as using KB Support Tape between treatments. Combination Therapy is much more effective than using just one product or the other. This is because you're getting the pain and swelling relief of ColdCure®, the healing benefits of BFST®, as well as the protection and re-injury prevention of KB Support Tape. This results in the absolute best treatment for your Baker's Cyst and underlying knee condition or injury.
Use the ColdCure® Leg Wrap to reduce the pain, swelling and inflammation at the back of your knee. Continue to do regular ColdCure® treatments until ALL the swelling and inflammation is gone. If your cyst is not noticeable, do cold therapy for at least 2 weeks.
Use the BFST® Knee Wrap to heal your knee injury or condition. Since you will be using the BFST® Wrap on the front of your knee as opposed to the back where you do your ColdCure® treatments, you may be able to start BFST® treatments while you're still using ColdCure®.
Introduce BFST® treatments slowly. If you experience any pain or discomfort during BFST® treatments, go back to doing ColdCure® treatments for several days. Initially, when you begin your treatments on Level 1, you may experience a tingling or heightened warming sensation. Over time you will notice the warming sensation diminishing. When you feel almost no warmth at the beginning of a new treatment, it is time to move up to the next level. Start your treatments on Level 1 - proceeding immediately to Level 2 or 3 will NOT speed up your healing time - you need to condition the body first and move up levels gradually in order to gain maximum benefit from your BFST® treatments.
A BFST® treatment first thing in the morning will help relax damaged tissue and increase blood flow. This will help reduce stiffness. During the day, do a BFST® treatment every 4 hours or before any type of physical activity. This can include anything that puts a strain on the injured area (Ex. walking or standing for long periods of time). This can also be used for preventative measures after a full recovery to optimize your blood flow.
Apply cold to the back of your knee any time you experience a pain flare-up or after any physical activity to prevent further injury and reduce swelling. A BFST® treatment before going to bed will relax the area and aid healing.
Any time you're not doing a BFST® or ColdCure® treatment, wear KB Support Tape on your knee. If you're taping and doing multiple BFST® treatments throughout the day, do your first BFST® treatment before the Tape is applied and your last treatment after the Tape has been removed at the end of the day.
When you're recovering from a Baker's Cyst, the pain ends long before you've fully regained full movement in your knee. In fact, the pain is usually gone once you're 20-30% healed. The recovery process is very complex and takes much longer than most people realize. The key thing to remember is that long after the pain stops, your knee is still healing. this means you need to keep doing BFST® treatments in order to regain full range of motion in your knee. Doing regular BFST® treatments for months after the pain is gone is extremely beneficial. Do a BFST® treatment prior to physical activity. This will act as a warm up for your circulatory system. you should also continue to tape your knee to help prevent re-injury.
The professional consulting services of our King Brand® Advisors comes free with every BFST® and ColdCure® Wrap purchase. Our Advisors are trained extensively on treating different injuries and conditions. They're also extremely knowledgeable about BFST® and ColdCure® technology and treatments. They spend all of their time helping people recover. Our Advisors can create a treatment plan for you that is specific to your injury. They want to help you heal as quickly as possible. They truly care about your recovery. One of our Advisors will follow-up with you 2 or 3 days after your order has been delivered to answer any questions you may have and find out how your treatments are going. You are also welcome to contact us any time if you need treatment advice or guidance. We are here to help you every step of the way.
For additional questions or concerns regarding your King Brand® Wraps or treatments, please call our toll free number 1-844-353-0541. Please visit our Contact Us page for Customer Service Hours.
Prior to applying KB Support Tape™ please make sure that your skin is clean, dry and oil free.
It is recommended to wear your KB Support Tape whenever you are going to be physically active, while at work or in between BFST® and ColdCure® treatments.
1. Bend your knee to a 90° angle
2. Take two 5 inch strips of KB Support Tape and apply one on top of the other just below your knee cap, using 80% stretch in the middle and no stretch on the ends
3. Take one full length piece of tape (10 inches) and measure it one third up your thigh on the top right side of your leg, down to the bottom left side of your knee
4. Tear the backing off one end of the strip and anchor the tape at the one third point, using no stretch
5. Using 25% stretch, apply the tape down your thigh, angling it towards your knee
6. Once the tape is even with your knee, use 50% stretch and let the tape follow your knee cap, around to the opposite side of your knee, laying it down with no stretch
7. Rub the tape in to ensure sticking
8. Follow Steps 3-7 for the other side of your knee
1. Bend your knee to a 90° angle and locate your point of pain
2. Take one 5 inch strip of KB Support Tape and tear the backing in the middle, peeling it away so you're holding onto the two anchor ends
3. Apply the tape horizontally over your point of pain, using 80% stretch in the middle and no stretch at the ends
4. Take another 5 inch strip of tape and apply it vertically over your point of pain, using 80% stretch in the middle and no stretch at the ends
5. Take a full length piece of tape and tear the backing off one end, anchoring it between the place where the other two pieces were anchored, using no stretch
6. Using 25% stretch, follow the line of your knee through the center of the "cross", curving along the shape of your knee and up your thigh
7. Lay down the end of the tape with no stretch and rub the tape in to ensure sticking